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365 Wacky, Wonderful Ways to Get Your Children to Do What You Want
by Elizabeth Crary

Young children share certain behaviors that are calculated to drive parents crazy. This book offers hundreds of practical (and sometimes zany) ideas to help parents cope with such behaviors as throwing food, not sharing, teasing siblings, throwing tantrums, and more.
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Attachment Parenting:
Instinctive Care for Your Baby and Young Child
by Katie Allison Granju

"Attachment to and dependency on parents... is a normal, healthy aspect of childhood and not something that needs to be discouraged." This quote from Attachment Parenting: Instinctive Care for Your Baby and Young Child sums up the attitude behind the growing shift in many Western cultures toward a labor-intensive but arguably more rewarding, effective, and "natural" way to raise children. This philosophy, termed "Attachment Parenting" by its champion, pediatrician and father of eight Dr. William Sears (author of the popular child-care manual The Baby Book, among others), sees infants not as manipulative adversaries who must be "trained" to eat, sleep, and play when told, but as dependent yet autonomous human beings whose wants and needs are intelligible to the parent willing to listen, and who deserve to be responded to in a reasonable and sensitive manner. As with Sears's books, there are no plans or schedules here, no specific prescriptions for what to do with your child. Techniques to facilitate connection and communication are outlined, but mostly the book is an exhortation to listen and to trust yourself, and to trust your child's ability to convey to you what he or she needs.

Information is provided in a well-organized format that parents will find useful. Common questions regarding some of Attachment Parenting's less orthodox tenets are answered, and each section of the book provides lengthy reading and resource lists, Web sites, and e-mail addresses. This book also provides a fairly broad discussion of how working parents can incorporate such a "high-touch" style of care into their busy schedules. The authors are sometimes painfully straightforward about the cost-benefit analysis parents must go through when deciding to work outside the home, but they do not patronize working parents by glossing over this difficult decision. They show how Attachment Parenting can be especially beneficial to these families and give advice on choosing child care, breastfeeding after returning to work, and the techniques for creating a breastfeeding-friendly workplace.

Given the overwhelming cultural paradigms that parents must resist if they are going to adopt this compassionate methodology, the book's sometimes defensive tone can be at least partially excused. As a whole, parents will find this a good overview of some compelling arguments for Attachment Parenting and a wonderful resource for delving deeper into the issues it addresses. How much of it they choose to integrate into their lives is, as the book emphasizes, their decision to make, with their baby. --Katherine Ferguson

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The Attachment Parenting Book:
A Commonsense Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Baby
by William & Martha Sears

Attachment parenting is a highly intuitive, high-touch style of parenting that encourages a strong early attachment, and advocates consistent parental responsiveness to babies' dependency needs. Rather than give parents a strict set of rules about when to breastfeed or when to respond to a cry, The Sears' approach encourages parents to learn and work with their baby's particular cues. Their book focuses on the benefits of attachment parenting for both parent and child, and explains how attachment parenting improves development, makes discipline easier, and even promotes independence. There is further information on attachment parenting for working parents and on weaning your child from attachment parenting, as well as scientific research that explains why attachment parenting works.
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Awakening the Child Heart: Handbook for the Global Parenting
by Carla Hannaford

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The Baby Book
by William & Martha Sears

In their excellent (and hefty) resource guide, The Baby Book, attachment parenting specialists William Sears and Martha Sears have provided new parents with their approach to every aspect of baby care basics, from newborns to toddlers. Attachment parenting is a gentle, reasonable approach to parenting that stresses bonding with your baby, responding to her cues, breastfeeding, "wearing" your baby, and sharing sleep with your child. For those parents who worry about negative effects of this attention, the Sears say, "Spoiling is what happens when you leave something (or some person) alone on the shelf--it spoils."
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The Complete Book of Christian Parenting and Child Care:
A Medical & Moral Guide to Raising Happy, Healthy Children
by William & Martha Sears

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The Continuum Concept:
In Search of Happiness Lost
by Jean Liedloff & John Holt

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The Cooperative Sports and Games Book:
Challenge Without Competition
by Terry Orlick

All the fun of active sports -- without the hurt of losing

The idea behind this book is simple: people should play together, not against each other. To show you how enjoyable (and challenging) that,can be, Terry Orlick has created and collected over one hundred brand-new games based on cooperation, not competition, with the perfect one for every occasion.

Who can play?
People of every size, shape, age, and ability, from preschoolers to senior citizens.

Where can you play?
In the gym, on the beach, in the swimming pool, around the playground, in the classroom, in your backyard, or even in your own living room.

What do you need?
Nothing fancier than a ball, a mat, or a net -- and an active imagination.

What kinds of games are there?
-- Completely original ones like Sticky Popcorn, Bump and Scoot, Double Bubble, Big Snake, Fish Gobbler, and Collective Beach-blanketball.
-- Familiar ones like Musical Chairs and even football and hockey recycled into fun-for-all adventures.
-- Games from the Arctic, New Guinea, and the People's Republic of China.
-- Plus ideas for making up a whole new set of games on your own.

Games nobody loses means no more disappointed players sitting on a bench or out in the first round of play -- because taking the competition out leaves more room for fun for everybody!

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The Second Cooperative Sports & Games Book
by Terry Orlick

Terry Orlick's approach to sports is simple: when people play together and not against each other, everyone has more fun. The enduring popularity of Professor Orlick's first Cooperative Sports & Games Book proves just how many people agree. In this second volume -- twice as big, twice as much fun -- Orlick introduces an entirely new round of over 200 active games for indoors and out, and for players of all ages, sizes, and abilities. The Second Cooperative Sports & Games Book presents both completely original games as well as new ways to recycle such traditionally competitive sports as dodgeball or field hockey into fun-for-all challenges.

There are:
-- Special pointers on teaching cooperative skills to teen-agers and adults
-- Outlines from successful cooperative intramural programs
-- A whole chapter of games to play with toddlers
-- Ideas for making your own playground equipment
-- A giant bonus of international cooperative games from the Arctic to the South Pacific.
As in his previous volume, Terry Orlick's emphasis here is on imagination, not expensive equipment or special skills, and on the idea that taking the competition out of games and sports simply means leaving more room for fun.

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The Discipline Book
by William & Martha Sears

From the bestselling authors of The Baby Book and The Birth Book comes The Discipline Book, the definitive guide to raising happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved children. Seasoned parents of eight, Bill and Martha Sears draw on personal experience and their professional knowledge as childcare experts to provide an authoritative approach to a broad range of disciplinary issues and practices.

With focus on preventing behavior problems as well as managing them when they arise, the Searses offer clear, practical advice on everything parents need to know about disciplining young children. Believing that discipline starts at birth, the Searses discuss baby discipline, disciplining the toddler, mother-father roles in modern parenting, saying no, self-esteem as the foundation of good behavior, helping a child to express feelings, the constructive use of anger, good nutrition for good behavior, and sleep discipline.

On handling problem behavior, the Searses cover sibling rivalry, spanking and alternatives to spanking, breaking annoying habits, and eliminating bothersome behaviors like whining and talking back. The Searses strongly advocate teaching children values like apologizing and sharing, and explain how to deal with such issues as lying, stealing, and cheating. In addition, the Searses address building healthy sexuality and discipline in special situations such as after divorce and in the single-parent household.

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Feeling Great:
Teaching Children to Excel at Living
by Terry Orlick

Now released in its third edition, Feeling Great, this perennial bestseller by Dr. Terry Orlick, provides a wealth of rich ideas and over 100 fun-filled games and activities designed to help children to: cope effectively with stress; perform closer to their potential; look for highlights each day; approach life with a sronger sense of self confidence.
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The Fussy Baby
by William & Martha Sears

"Let him cry it out!"
"Are you feeding that baby again?"
"Don’t you ever put her down?"
Parents of fussy babies hear these kinds of remarks all the time. In fact, they may even ask themselves these questions. Faced with a baby who demands to be held, nursed, and comforted much of the time, new mothers may begin to doubt their own intuition, even as they long for a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.

The first edition of THE FUSSY BABY, published in 1985, helped parents think about their demanding babies in a new light. These are children with high needs; children who are smart enough to ask for the high–quality caregiving that will help them develop their full potential.

In this revised edition, attachment-parenting experts William and Martha Sears bring new insight to the tried-and-true advice that has worked for so many families over the last two decades.

Respond to baby’s needs and will build up your own sensitivity. Trust baby to tell you what he needs, and he will learn to trust himself and eventually grow to be confident and independent.

Look for new information on colic (the "hurting baby"), gastroesophageal reflux, and the challenges of breastfeeding a fussy a baby, along with updated references, reorganized chapters, and lots and lots of mothering tips.

THE FUSSY BABY has carried many families through times with a high-need infant. This new edition brings that tradition of sensitive, intuitive parenting to a new generation of caring mothers and fathers.

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How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk is an excellent communication tool kit based on a series of workshops developed by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. Faber and Mazlish (coauthors of Siblings Without Rivalry) provide a step-by-step approach to improving relationships in your house. The "Reminder" pages, helpful cartoon illustrations, and excellent exercises will improve your ability as a parent to talk and problem-solve with your children. The book can be used alone or in parenting groups, and the solid tools provided are appropriate for kids of all ages.
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Kids Are Worth It!
by Barbara Coloroso

Barbara Coloroso's powerful message is that good parenting begins with treating kids with respect. It means giving them a sense of power in their own lives, and offering them opportunities to make decisions, take responsibility for their actions, and learn from their own successes and mistakes.

Rejecting the "quick fix" solutions of punishment and reward, she uses everyday family situations from sibling rivalry to teenage rebellion to demonstrate sound strategies for giving children the inner discipline and self-confidence that will help them grow into responsible, resourceful, and resilient adults.

• Three basic tenets to a good parent/child relationship
• Why discipline is not learned through threats and bribes
• Why teaching a child how to think instead of what to think builds self-confidence
• The good news about the strong-willed child
• Three alternatives to always saying "No"
• How to buffer your children from the dangers of sexual promiscuity, drug abuse, and other self-destructive behavior
• Using mealtime, bedtime, toilet-training, chores, allowance, and sibling rivalry as opportunities to help children develop their own sense of inner discipline

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Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles
by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Kids, parents, and power struggles--the inseparable triad of family life. What if you could avoid Machiavellian peacekeeping maneuverings and instead turn difficult situations with your child into jumping-off points to having a better and more productive relationship? Mary Sheedy Kurcinka's new book gives a concise, practical, and often humorous account of how to achieve this turnaround. Kurcinka doesn't promise miracle cures or overnight success, but by building on Daniel Goleman's groundbreaking work in Emotional Intelligence, she offers creative techniques for using power struggles as pathways to better understanding within any family. Drawing on her clinical experience with numerous real-life families, Kurcinka builds up an image of the parent as an "emotion coach," whose role is to build a strong, connected "team" by understanding the players' strengths and weaknesses and showing by instruction and example how best to play the game. The techniques she outlines are useful for children of any age--in fact, the younger, the better--and are based on firm guidelines and mutual respect. In sections such as "Bringing Down the Intensity," "Enforcing Your Standards," and "Teaching Life's Essential Skills," Kurcinka addresses the causes of power struggles rather than just the symptoms, so that families can reduce the pain of repeated conflict. By the end of the book, any parent should feel confident in applying the principles.
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A Mind at a Time
by Mel Levine

Recognizing each child's intellectual, emotional, and physical strengths--and teaching directly to these strengths--is key to sculpting "a mind at a time," according to Dr. Mel Levine. While this flashing yellow light will not surprise many skilled educators, limited resources often prevent them from shifting their instructional gears. But to teachers and parents whose children face daily humiliation at school, the author bellows, "Try harder!" A professor of pediatrics at the University of North Carolina Medical School, Levine eloquently substantiates his claim that developmental growth deserves the same monitoring as a child's physical growth.

Tales of creative, clumsy, impulsive, nerdy, intuitive, loud-mouthed, and painfully shy kids help Levine define eight specific mind systems (attention, memory, language, spatial ordering, sequential ordering, motor, higher thinking, and social thinking). Levine also incorporates scientific research to show readers how the eight neurodevelopmental systems evolve, interact, and contribute to a child's success in school. Detailed steps describe how mental processes (like problem solving) work for capable kids, and how they can be finessed to serve those who struggle. Clear, practical suggestions for fostering self-monitoring skills and building self-esteem add the most important elements to this essential--yet challenging--program for "raisin' brain."

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My Stick Family: Helping Children Cope With Divorce
by Natalie June Reilly and Brandi J. Pavese

Billy feels angry, confused and sad. His parents don't live together anymore - they have divorced. His deepest wish is for all of them - Mom, Dad and little brother, Alec - to live together as a family again.

In this tender story, simply and charmingly illustrated, Billy learns that just because his parents live in separate houses, it doesn't mean that the strength and love of a family has been taken from him. Billy discovers what matters most is the love for each other that lives inside our hearts.

This is an important tool for parents, educators and therapists who are trying to find comforting messages to help children cope during the sad and confusing time in their lives when their parents are divorcing. The book emphasizes and reaffirms the resilience and constancy of love for the children within the family, even after a marriage ends. [from the back cover of the book]. The author can be reached at

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New Beginnings
(bi-monthly magazine for members)
by La Leche League International

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Nighttime Parenting
by William & Martha Sears

Why do some families have fewer sleep problems than others? What works for most parents most of the time and why?

Parenting is a full-time, twenty-four-hour-a-day job. Nighttime Parenting was written to make that job easier and to help the whole family--mother, father, baby--sleep better. It helps parents understand why babies sleep differently than adults, offers solutions to nighttime problems, and even describes how certain styles of nighttime parenting can aid in child spacing and lower the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Renowned pediatrician Dr. William Sears helps you find a solution to your baby's sleepless nights and offers comprehensive, caring advice on issues such as:

* Where babies should sleep
* What foods help children sleep
* Tips for single parents
* Getting children to bed without a struggle

This newly-revised edition incorporates the latest research on SIDS and its prevention, and is truly a must-have volume for all parents.

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The No-Cry Sleep Solution:
Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night
by Elizabeth Pantley

A breakthrough approach for a good night's sleep--with no tears

There are two schools of thought for encouraging babies to sleep through the night: the hotly debated Ferber technique of letting the baby "cry it out," or the grin-and-bear-it solution of getting up from dusk to dawn as often as necessary. If you don't believe in letting your baby cry it out, but desperately want to sleep, there is now a third option, presented in Elizabeth Pantley's sanity-saving book The No-Cry Sleep Solution.

Pantley's successful solution has been tested and proven effective by scores of mothers and their babies from across the United States, Canada, and Europe. Based on her research, Pantley's guide provides you with effective strategies to overcoming naptime and nighttime problems. The No-Cry Sleep Solution offers clearly explained, step-by-step ideas that steer your little ones toward a good night's sleep--all with no crying.

Tips from The No-Cry Sleep Solution:

Uncover the stumbling blocks that prevent baby from sleeping through the night
Determine--and work with--baby's biological sleep rhythms
Create a customized, step-by-step plan to get baby to sleep through the night
Use the Persistent Gentle Removal System to teach baby to fall asleep without breast-feeding, bottlefeeding, or using a pacifier

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Normal Children Have Problems, Too:
How Parents Can Understand and Help
by Stanley Turecki

Lack of friends * poor self-image * sibling rivalry * hyperactivity * sadness and fearfulness * eating problems * nervous habits * aggressive behavior * defiance * sleep problems * lying * learning disabilities. . .

Even normal children can have problems.

And parents can help them.

That is the powerful assurance Dr. Stanley Turecki offers parents in this compassionate and practical book. Whatever the situation, Dr. Turecki shows you:
A new way to understand your child's difficulties and gain insights into causes and solutions.
How to discuss problems without destructive arguments and win your child's cooperation
How to strengthen self-esteem by making the most of your child's individual temperament
How to improve discipline by focusing on planning and prevention rather than punishment
How to collaborate with teachers about school problems
What to do if you are told that your child should be tested for ADD or placed on medication
When to seek professional help

Including vivid vignettes illustrating a wide range of problems and how they were successfully resolved, this award-winning book is destined to become a parenting classic.

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Oneness and Separateness:
From Infant To Individual
by Louise J. Kaplan

This closely observed and lyrically written exploration of the journey each baby makes from oneness with his mother to his "second birth" as a unique psychological being is being reissued to tie in with the release of Kaplan's No Voice Is Ever Wholly Lost.
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Parenting the Fussy Baby and High-Need Child
by William & Martha Sears

The bestselling authors of The Baby Book present a reassuring and wonderfully practical guide for parents of fussy babies and difficult children. Some helpful hints include proven baby calmers, a checklist of medical factors parents should watch for, sound advice on discipline, and much more.
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Playful Parenting
by Lawrence J. Cohen

Tag, you're it! In Playful Parenting, Lawrence Cohen demonstrates that parents need to lighten up and spend a few hours giggling with their kids. Play is inherently educational for children, he claims, and parents can learn plenty by examining the games kids play--from peekaboo to practical jokes. Cohen is quick to point out that no matter what your child's temperament, she has a playful side. In its most basic form, play is a way to communicate. The author examines, with plenty of hilarious personal anecdotes, the details of play at every age and across genders. From his daughter and a new male friend discussing how "cool" nuclear weapons are and how "gross" a love song is, to a younger child zooming full-speed around a park at a birthday party, we're shown the exuberant truth behind playing: not only is it just plain fun, it can spark a variety of important sensations. One short section discusses the common phenomenon of happy giggling turning instantly to tears. Cohen suggests that "the fun play opens the emotional door to let out the giggles, and a flood of other feelings come pouring out after." Some specific ideas for games are included, and you'll find recommendations for everything from play wrestling to gentle storytelling. One chapter focuses on how to cope with play you don't find enjoyable, and how learning to appreciate these games can lead to surprising emotional insights. This is where Cohen's years of practice come in handy--it may be true that we all play, but not everyone immediately grasps the underlying messages. This is not simply a book filled with family activities, but rather an exploration of play for all ages. --Jill Lightner
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Positive Discipline for Pre-Schoolers
by Jane Nelsen

Positive Discipline for Positive Results!

Caring for young children is one of the most challenging tasks an adult will ever face. No matter how much you love the child, there will be moments filled with anger, frustration, and even desperation. There will also be questions: Why does my child deliberately lie to me? Why won't she listen to me? Should I ever spank her when she is disobedient?

Over the years, millions of parents just like you have come to trust Jane Nelsen's Positive Discipline series. These books offer a commonsense approach to child-rearing that so often is lacking in today's world. Now completely updated to report the latest research in child development, Positive Discipline for Preschoolers will teach you how to use kind but firm support to raise a child who is responsible, respectful, and resourceful. You'll find practical solutions on how to:

·Prevent misbehavior through nonpunitive discipline—not punishment
·Avoid the power struggles that often come with the challenges of mastering sleeping, eating, and potty training
·Instill valuable social skills and positive behavior inside and outside the home by using methods that teach important life skills
·Employ family and class meetings to tackle discipline and developmental problems
·And much, much more!

"Once parents grasp and use the amazing power of Positive Discipline, their home will be transformed into a place of love and learning like no other."

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Raising Cain:
Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys
by Daniel J. Kindlon, Michael Thompson

Reviving Ophelia, Mary Pipher's groundbreaking book, exposed the toxic environment faced by adolescent girls in our society. Now, from the same publisher, comes Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys by Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson, which does the same for adolescent boys. Boys suffer from a too-narrow definition of masculinity, the authors assert as they expose and discuss the relationship between vulnerability and developing sexuality, the "culture of cruelty" boys live in, the "tyranny of toughness," the disadvantages of being a boy in elementary school, how boys' emotional lives are squelched, and what we, as a society, can do about all this without turning "boys into girls." "Our premise is that boys will be better off if boys are better understood--and if they are encouraged to become more emotionally literate," the authors assert. As a tool for change, Kindlon and Thompsom present the well-developed "What Boys Need," seven points that reach far beyond the ordinary psychobabble checklist and slogan list. Kindlon (researcher and psychology professor at Harvard and practicing psychotherapist specializing in boys) and Thompson (child psychologist, workshop leader, and staff psychologist of an all-boys school) have created a chilling portrait of male adolescence in America. Through personal stories and theoretical discussion, this well-needed book plumbs the well of sadness, anger, and fear in America's teenage sons.
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Raising Your Child Not By Force, But By Love
by Sidney D. Craig

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Real Boys
Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood
by William Pollack

As codirector of the Center for Men at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical Center, Pollack has seen behind the stoic masks of troubled, modern boys as they struggle to cope with the mixed messages, conflicting expectations, and increasingly complex demands they receive from our evolving society. "New research shows that boys are faring less well ... that many boys have remarkably fragile self-esteem, and that the rates of both depression and suicide in boys are frighteningly on the rise."

What are parents to do? They could start by listening to the author's thoughts on contemporary child-rearing techniques, analysis of the root causes of many male behavior problems, and recommendations for avoiding all-too-common pitfalls. In Real Boys, Pollack draws upon nearly two decades of research to support his theories and makes an impressive assault on the popular myths surrounding the conventional definition of masculinity.

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Reflexes, Learning and Behavior:
A Window into the Child's Mind
by Sally Goddard

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Reviving Ophelia:
Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls
by Mary Pipher

At adolescence, says Mary Pipher, "girls become 'female impersonators' who fit their whole selves into small, crowded spaces." Many lose spark, interest, and even IQ points as a "girl-poisoning" society forces a choice between being shunned for staying true to oneself and struggling to stay within a narrow definition of female. Pipher's alarming tales of a generation swamped by pain may be partly informed by her role as a therapist who sees troubled children and teens, but her sketch of a tougher, more menacing world for girls often hits the mark. She offers some prescriptions for changing society and helping girls resist.
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The Shelter of Each Other:
Rebuilding Our Families
by Mary Pipher

In The Shelter of Each Other, Mary Pipher does for the American family what she did for adolescent girls and their parents in her bestselling book Reviving Ophelia: she opens our eyes wide to the desperate realities we are facing and shows us a way out. Drawing on the fascinating stories of families rich and poor, angry and despairing, religious and skeptical, and probing deep into her own family memories and experiences, Pipher clears a path to the strength and energy at the core of family life. Wise, compassionate, and impassioned, The Shelter of Each Other challenges each of us to face the truth about ourselves and to find the courage to protect, nurture, and revivify the families we cherish.
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Without Spanking or Spoiling -
a Practical Approach to Toddler and Preschool Guidance
by Elizabeth Crary

Parent educator Elizabeth Crary's eclectic approach to guidance and discipline allows parents to choose tools that fit best with their child's temperament and their family's values.
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Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
by La Leche League International

Here's the 35th-anniversary edition of the big book on breastfeeding, written by the experts at La Leche League International. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is a comprehensive resource guide providing just about everything you need to know about how--and why--to breastfeed your baby. Latch on to this book for step-by-step guides to early months, common concerns, problems, and weaning. Additional sections on general nutrition, sleep issues, going back to work, discipline, and fathering are useful for all breastfeeding mothers. Unfortunately the black-and-white photos are not always as clear as they should be, and the informative line-drawings are too scarce.
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Your Baby and Child From Birth to Age Five
by Penelope Leach

Penelope Leach's Your Baby & Child has been a beloved favorite for years. With this new, revised edition, Leach has updated her information and approach to reflect new findings in the field of child development, and to respond to the changing needs of today's families. Leach has utter respect for children and their parents; she explains development, child care, and parenting concerns clearly and without condescension.

Each developmental stage--newborn, settled baby, older baby, toddler, and young child--is discussed in terms of feeding, teeth and teething, growing, excreting, crying, sleeping, playing, and everyday care. For each stage, an additional set of appropriate topics is discussed, including muscle power, speech, child care, and appropriate toys. Colorful and expressive photos display infant, childhood, and toddler behavior. With her common-sense, child-positive approach, Leach carefully dispels negative parenting attitudes, and teaches readers how to stop, listen, and learn from their children.

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Your Child's Self-Esteem
by Dorothy Corkille Briggs

Step-by step guidelines for raising responsible, productive, happy children. Self-image is your child's most important characteristic. How to help create strong feelings of self-worth is the central challenge for every parent and teacher. The formula for how is spelled out in Your Child's Self-Esteem.

A member of Phi Beta Kappa and other honoraries, Dorothy Corkille Briggs has worked as a teacher of both children and adults; dean of girls; school psychologist; and marriage, family and child counselor during the last twenty-five years. Since 1958 she has taught parent-education courses and training in communication and resolution of conflicts.

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